Inpatient Hospitalization:A Resource for Parents and FamiliesWhat to Expect during the Admissions Process:You may start the admissions process at an emergency room and wait for placement in aninpatient unit. Waiting times will vary and may extend over multiple days based onavailability. Be sure to identify a point of contact while you wait.The specific hospital and provider identified for your child's placement is impacted byfactors like insurance and space availability. Ultimately your child may be placed at a facilityout of your area.Initial Questions to Ask the Inpatient Hospital Staff:Who is my main point of contact (e.g., social worker, charge nurse, therapist, etc.) andhow do I reach them? How do I get in touch with my child or learn updates about them? What will the first 24 hours look like for my child? Is there anything I should start doing now to prepare for when my child is ready to leavethe hospital?What types of treatments will be available to my child? Are there differences betweenweekends and weekdays?paparentandfamilyalliance.orgAccording to Act 65 of 2020, Pennsylvania allows children ages14-17 the ability to consent to their own inpatient mental healthtreatment. Parents are allowed to provide consent to mentalhealth treatment until their children turn 18. Once consent isprovided by either party, it cannot be overridden. Learn more here. If your child experiences a mental health crisis where there is concern for their safety or thesafety of others, they may need a short stay in the hospital. This level of care, or inpatienthospitalization, has a primary goal of safety, and the care team at the hospital will work to helpresolve the immediate crisis by stabilizing your child’s symptoms.It is understandable to think or hope that this will be the only step that your child will need to bementally healthy. However, this may just be the first step in their journey, and you may havealready tried other treatment strategies that led your child here. Ongoing supports will likely beneeded for your child’s long-term mental health care.Tip: Bring a notebook to write down important information so you can refer back to itas needed!
As the care team learns more about your child and their needs, many aspects of your child'streatment plan and stay will change to meet your child's specific needs. Length of stay will vary and depends on a variety of factors such as time it takes to assess their needs;time it takes to stabilize their symptoms;insurance company approval.Your child's stay may include both therapy and medication as part of the process to stabilizesymptoms and determine the most appropriate treatment.As the parent, you should be included in any discussions about recommended medicationchanges. If you have any questions regarding the benefits and risks of recommendedmedications, you have the right to discuss that with the doctor. Since this is a short stay, it is important to work on discharge planning together with your careteam as early on as possible. Although your child may not have a formal diagnosis or treatmentplan when it is time to leave, planning with your care team can help prevent gaps in care. Ifyour point of contact on the care team doesn't bring up discharge planning, you should. Click here!Article - Taking aChild to the ERTips from Parents who've been there:Recharge by eating and getting the rest you need to make sure you’re taking care of yourselfthroughout this process. Encourage your other family members to do the same.Read any information that the hospital has given you. It will likely answer many of yourquestions.Remember that you are an important part of your child’s care team. You have the right to beinvolved, ask questions, and understand how your child is doing. Recognize that your child is also part of their own treatment process, and their feelings andpreferences are essential. Their involvement is important for longer-term recovery. Leaving your child at the hospital can be overwhelming, but remember they're in safe hands. Once you get home: What to Expect During Your Child's Stay:Scan the QR code or click the buttons below to access more resources that can help.Helpful Resources: This document was created with input from families and professionals from across Pennsylvania.Click here!Tip Sheet - Taking toyour child about suicide