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Mental Health Consent to Treat Act 65 of 2020

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What happens if a child (age14 - 17) takes away theirconsent?Parents or legal guardiansA minor between the agesof 14-17Who can consent to a minor receivingmental health treatment? PA Mental Health Consent Law FAQnonoCan a parentrefuse to allowtreatment oncea child (age 14-17) hasconsented? Can a child(age 14-17)refusetreatment oncea parent hasconsented? Can a parentsay no afteranotherparentalready saidyes? noThe treatment will bestopped UNLESS a parentor legal guardian givestheir consent; in that casethe treatment will continue. Consent=Yespaparentandfamilyalliance.orgWhat makes inpatient treatment consentdifferent?Once a child has been admitted to an inpatienttreatment facility either parent or the child canrequest a hearing to determine if inpatienttreatment is appropriate and necessary. Thechild will stay at the facility while the judgemakes a ruling.This option does not apply to outpatienttreatment.What about parental disagreement toinpatient treatment?If a parent who has legal custody rights disagreeswith the other parent about consent to a child'sinpatient treatment, they can file a petition in thecourt of common pleas and a hearing will takeplace within 72 hours of the filing.What about children under the age of 14?Parental consent is required for children underage 14 to receive mental health treatment This document updated March 2022The Parent Alliance support parents anywhere in thestate of PA who have children who are struggling withsocial, emotional, behavioral or mental healthchallenges including substance abuse. Give us a call @ 570-664-8615 or visit our website.Want to learn moreor read the lawyourself? Click hereor scan this QR code. mental health treatment that requires full-time or part-time residence in a facility thatprovides mental health treatment.What does "inpatient treatment" mean?We understand because we've been there.

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