Try not to be reactive to their reaction. Everyone experiences news differently, let them go through their
emotions without you reacting negatively to it.
Find the right services for your family. One dad, we spoke to mentioned finding the right therapist changed
everything for his family. "With his help, we got control of our house back."
Be thoughtful of when to have certain discussions. If you can see that your partner is under a lot of stress or
they are panicking about something comfort them and allow them to relax before bringing up difficult topics.
This is probably a different life path than you expected for yourself. Recognize that and discuss it with your
partner. Don't let that idea stay pent up, talk about it, and you will be more easily able to let go of any anger
you have about it.
Try not to take frustration from outside sources out on each other. Your partner is not at fault with anything
happening, they are in it with you.
You can't only talk to your partner. Have people outside of your immediate family who don't judge you. It is
important to have a place to vent and focus on something else.
Find a joint activity. Going on walks, watching a sports game, anything. Just something that you two can do
together when you have the time and also something you can talk about that isn't about your children.
Encourage your partner to take time for themselves now and then. If they have a hobby they enjoy, let them
know you think they should spend some time doing it and you will handle things at home during it.
The mental health of yourself, and your partner matter too. Do not let it be secondary, actively check in with
yourselves and each other and get any help you may need.
Cherish those happy moments, because they are there, but they go so fast. Be in the moment. Make things light
and fun when you can. If you have an activity the whole family enjoys make it a priority.
Fit in one-on-one time when it works for your family. One family we spoke to would go out for wings after their
parent support group meetings and after therapy sessions, this allowed them to talk about what they had just
discussed and plan a course of action before getting home to their children. It also became a social event for
them, and they got close with other parents from the group, other parents who understood their lives.
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