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How to be a Supportive Partner

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Stay organized. You will have a lot of important documents, and information and it can cause unnecessarystress if it is not organized. Get a system down early and have both of you know exactly how to access theinformation you may need for your child.There is a lot that goes into running a household, and even more work when raising a child who is struggling.Distribute the work (financially, household tasks, parenting tasks, etc.) in a way that you both feel comfortablewith. Have an honest conversation about your expectations of each other so one of you does not feel like youare doing anything alone. When possible with your schedule make it a point for both parents to go to any and all doctors, therapy, andany other services your child goes to. This shows a united front, but also it helps to get you both the mostaccurate information about your child as possible. If you both go nobody will be hearing secondhandinformation and you can ask any questions you may have. It is possible that telehealth can make this moredoable for your family. Play to each other's strengths. Perhaps one parent is very good at keeping a level head and effectivelycommunicating with schools, doctors, etc. Allow that person to take more of a leadership role in meetings andhave the other parent back up what they are saying. Same thing for if one parent is better with technology,maybe they can take on more of the research.It is easy to feel like this is all happening to YOU. Remember this is happening to your partner too. You cannot control anybody but yourself. You can't control how your partner reacts and what they do. Try andlet that need for control go. You cannot battle each other when you are battling other big things. Be on the same page about what the diagnosis is, and what kind of treatment your child requires. If youdisagree about this research, ask questions, and seek more help until you are on the same page.You Are a TeamHow to Be a SupportivePartnerParents share their best tips for how to stay connected with your partner asyou navigate the challenges of raising a child who is struggling.

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Try not to be reactive to their reaction. Everyone experiences news differently, let them go through theiremotions without you reacting negatively to it.Find the right services for your family. One dad, we spoke to mentioned finding the right therapist changedeverything for his family. "With his help, we got control of our house back."Be thoughtful of when to have certain discussions. If you can see that your partner is under a lot of stress orthey are panicking about something comfort them and allow them to relax before bringing up difficult topics.This is probably a different life path than you expected for yourself. Recognize that and discuss it with yourpartner. Don't let that idea stay pent up, talk about it, and you will be more easily able to let go of any angeryou have about it. Try not to take frustration from outside sources out on each other. Your partner is not at fault with anythinghappening, they are in it with you. You can't only talk to your partner. Have people outside of your immediate family who don't judge you. It isimportant to have a place to vent and focus on something else. CommunicationFind a joint activity. Going on walks, watching a sports game, anything. Just something that you two can dotogether when you have the time and also something you can talk about that isn't about your children. Encourage your partner to take time for themselves now and then. If they have a hobby they enjoy, let themknow you think they should spend some time doing it and you will handle things at home during it. The mental health of yourself, and your partner matter too. Do not let it be secondary, actively check in withyourselves and each other and get any help you may need.Cherish those happy moments, because they are there, but they go so fast. Be in the moment. Make things lightand fun when you can. If you have an activity the whole family enjoys make it a priority. Fit in one-on-one time when it works for your family. One family we spoke to would go out for wings after theirparent support group meetings and after therapy sessions, this allowed them to talk about what they had justdiscussed and plan a course of action before getting home to their children. It also became a social event forthem, and they got close with other parents from the group, other parents who understood their lives.Maintain a Strong Foundation

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How to Be a Supportive C mo brindar apoyo a su pareja Partner Parents sharepadres their bestcomparten tips for how tosus staymejores connectedconsejos with your partner Algunos sobreas you navigate the challenges raising c mo mantenerse conectados conofsu pareja mientras a child is struggling transitan los desaf os dewho criar a un hijo con dificultades Youun Areequipo a Team Son Aunque alguno de los miembros de la pareja tome el rol de l der e investigue y coordine muchas cosas sobre su hijo no asuma que lo har todo Inter sese y preg ntele todo el tiempo si quiere apartarse de la and tarea Stay organized You will have a lot of important documents information and it can cause unnecessary if it is not organized Get a system down early and have both of you know exactly how to access the stress Mant nganse organizados Tendr n muchos documentos importantes e informaci n y esto podr a information you may need for your generar tensi n innecesaria si nochild est n organizados Establezcan un sistema inicialmente y procuren que ambos sepan exactamente c mo acceder a la informaci n que podr an necesitar para su hijo There is a lot that goes into running a household and even more work when raising a child who is struggling Llevar adelante una familia es una tarea ardua y mucho m s al criar un ni o con dificultades Distribute the work financially household tasks parenting tasks etc in a way that you both feel comfortable Distribuyan el trabajo finanzas tareas del hogar tareas parentales etc de una manera en la que with Have an honest conversation about expectations of eachsobre otherlas so expectativas one of you does feeluno likecon you ambos est n conformes Tengan una your conversaci n honesta denot cada are doing anything respecto al otro alone de manera que ninguno de los dos sienta que est haciendo las cosas solo When Cuando sea posible seg n su cronograma traten de ir juntos a los m dicos la terapia y otros possible with your schedule make it a point for both parents to go to any and all doctors therapy and servicios a los que va su hijo Esto muestra un frente unido pero tambi n ayuda que ambos reciban any other servicesm s yourprecisa child goes to This shows united front but also it helpsrecibir to get you both the most la informaci n posible sobre su ahijo Si van ambos ninguno informaci n de accurate information about pueden your childhacer as possible If you both nobody Es willposible be hearing segunda mano y ambos las preguntas quegoquieran quesecondhand la telemedicina information and yousu can ask any questions you may have It is possible that telehealt h can make this more facilite esto para familia doable for your family Aprovechen las fortalezas de cada uno Tal vez uno de los padres es muy equilibrado y tiene facilidad para comunicarse eficazmente con las escuelas los m dicos etc tera Permita que esa Play to each other s strengths parent mientras is very good at keeping level head anddice effectively persona tome el rol principalPerhaps en las one reuniones el otro padreaapoya lo que Lo mismo communicating with schools doctors etc Allow that person to take more of a leadership role in meetings and si el otro es bueno con la tecnolog a tal vez podr a encargarse de hacer las investigaciones have the other parent back up what they are saying Same thing for if one parent is better with technology Es f cil sentir que esto le est pasando a USTED Pero recuerde que tambi n le est pasando a su maybe they can take on more of the research pareja ItNo puede controlar otra que no sea usted mismo No puede to controlar c mo reacciona is easy to feel like thisa is all persona happening to YOU Remember this is happening your partner too su pareja y qu hace Trate de deshacerse de esa necesidad de control No pueden luchar entre ustedes cuando est n luchando por otras cosas m s grandes You cannot control anybody but yourself You can t control how your partner reacts and what they do Try and letMant nganse la misma sinton a el diagn stico y qu tratamiento that need for en control go You cannotsobre battlecu l eaches other when you are battling other big requiere things su hijo Si no est n de acuerdo con esta investigaci n pregunten y busquen otras ayudas hasta que est n enonlathe misma Be samesinton a page about what the diagnosis is and what kind of treatment your child requires If you disagree about this research ask questions and seek more help until you are on the same page

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Communication Comunicaci n Hable hable y hable un poco m s La comunicaci n con los dem s es clave Enfatice el ponerse en contacto con el otro y compruebe no solo que est n en laTry misma sinton a que ambos est n biennews condifferently todo loletque pasando not to be reactive tosino their reaction Everyone experiences themest go through their emotions without you reacting negatively to it Trate de no responder en base a la reacci n del otro Todos vivimos las noticias de manera diferente d jelo que viva sus emociones sin que usted reaccione en forma negativa ante ellas Find the right services for your family One dad we spoke to mentioned finding the right therapist changed everything Encuentre for los his servicios para we su familia Un pap con el hablamos family adecuados With his help got control of our house back nos cont que encontrar el terapeuta adecuado fue un cambio rotundo para su familia Con su ayuda pudimos volver a tener el control de nuestra casa Be thoughtful of when to have certain discussions If you can see that your partner is under a lot of stress or they Sea are considerado tenga ciertas conversaciones Si nota queto surelax pareja est bajo mucha que panickingcuando about something comfort them and allow them before bringing up presi n difficultotopics est sintiendo p nico por algo br ndele tranquilidad y permita que se relaje antes de tratar temas dif ciles This Esteisesprobably probablemente un life camino vidayou diferente al que esperabaRecognize para usted Recon zcalo con a different pathde than expected for yourself that and discussy ith blelo with your su pareja No let permita que stay esa idea hable sobre y as easily le resultar m s del partner Don t that idea pentquede up talkreprimida about it and you will ello be more able to let f cil go oflibrarse any anger enojo que siente por ello you have about it Traten de no descargar las frustraciones del exterior entre ustedes Su pareja no tiene la culpa de nada de lo quenot est lo est sufriendo a usted Try to ocurriendo take frustration from outsidejunto sources out on each other Your partner is not at fault with anything they hablar are in it with happening No solo puede con su you pareja Trate de hablar con personas fuera de su familia inmediata que no lo juzguen Es importante tener un lugar donde descargarse y centrarse en otra cosa You can t only talk to your partner Have people outside of your immediate family who don t judge you It is important to have a place to vent and focus on something else Mantener una base s lida Maintain a Strong Foundation Palmee la espalda del otro cuando hizo algo bien aunque sea algo peque o Dele cr dito y reconozca sus fortalezas Pueden aprender uno de otro y es importante que le recuerde a su pareja cu nto lo valora a jointuna activity Going on walks watching a sports game anything Just cualquier somethingcosa that Simplemente you two can do Find Busquen actividad conjunta Salgan a caminar miren deportes juntos algo que puedan juntos tengan y algo lo talk que about puedan hablar noyour sea de los hijos together whenhacer you have thecuando time and also tiempo something youde can that isn t que about children Aliente a su pareja a que se tome tiempo para s mismo a de vez en cuando Si tiene alg n hobby que disfrute h gale saber que creetime que for deber a pasar m s conIfeso que durante usted Encourage your partner to take themselves nowtiempo and then theyy have a hobbyesos theymomentos enjoy let them se har lasshould cosas de la casa know youcargo think de they spend some time doing it and you will handle things at home during it Su salud mental y la de su pareja son igualmente importantes No la dejen en segundo plano inter sense activamente por ustedes y busquen la ayuda podr an The mental health of yourself and your partnerque matter too necesitar Do not let it be secondary actively check in with and each other and get ya anyque help you all maypero need pasan muy r pido Vivan el momento Traten de yourselves Atesoren esos momentos felices est n hacer que las cosas sean llevaderas y divertidas cuando se pueda Si hay alguna actividad que disfrute toda la familia prior cenla Cherish those happy moments because they are there but they go so fast Be in the moment Make things light fun when you can para If you have anaactivity the whole family enjoys make a priority and H ganse un tiempo estar cara cara si esto funciona en su familia Unait familia con la que hablamos iba a comer alitas luego de las reuniones con el grupo de apoyo y luego de las sesiones de terapia esto les conversar sobre lo itque acababan tratar yOne elaborar de to acci n antes de for regresar su casa Fitpermit a in one on one time when works for yourdefamily familyun weplan spoke would go out wingsaafter their con sus hijos Tambi n se convirti en un acontecimiento social para ellos y se acercaron a otros padres del parent support group meetings and after therapy sessions this allowed them to talk about what they had just grupo otros padres que comprend an sus vidas discussed and plan a course of action before getting home to their children It also became a social event for them and they got close with other parents from the group other paren ts who understood their lives